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Member Bio

Gene Burnett 

Fishers, IN

Contact Information

Fishers, IN

Personal Information

Additional Information


Helping people connect with the dreams in their soul and build a support system to live them.

-      Business Background

Years working directly for AT&T and IBM with top Financial companies to integrate technology

and process to serve customers and employees.


Consulting with over 300 small business companies to build meaningful business plans

and support networks.

-      Educational degrees / certifications

Electrical Engineering

Applied Positive Psychology

International Positive Psychology Association

Mentor Coach

International Coaching Federation

-      Personal

15 years training people from couch-potato to half marathons

Skydiving Business Owner / Airshow Performer

Applied Positive Psychology – using the strengths and virtues that enable individuals and

business to thrive.

Gene brings together years of experience to help high potential people lead others, touch the sky 

and defeat the demons that live in your basement. For a free 30 min assessment click below.

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