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Craig Anderson 

Indianapolis, IN

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Indianapolis, IN

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My career story could be called “The Accidental Executive.”

How else do you explain a guy with an undergraduate degree in English and a Masters in Higher Education Administration (who bombed every business class he took) rising to lead national teams and divisions for Fortune 500 companies successfully?

Why? Because I paid attention. And through perseverance, a willingness to say yes, and a little luck, I rose through the ranks of these companies. For me to be successful, though, I needed to understand why they were successful. And I learned that what drove them forward was relentless attention to numbers, people strategies, processes, and planning.

I want to say everything was easy over my career trajectory. That would be a lie. It was challenging and difficult. I suffered from imposter syndrome, and I didn’t always know the right answer. I second-guessed myself and made things harder by putting off difficult conversations. And there were sleepless nights too.

When I hired an executive coach, I began the journey to put all of that behind me. I realized that surrounding yourself with a great team and leading it well was the key to success. Having a plan and not putting off the hard stuff was the best way to grow. And throughout all that, I realized one of the things I enjoyed most in my career was developing and coaching my team. When we sold that business, it made sense to transition into a coaching career.

And when I’m not working on my business, you can find me co-hosting the Q&A on Breakthrough Leadership podcast, catching up with my adult sons, curating my comic collection, or watching my Florida Gators.

Let’s connect for a consult. Please send me an email at